The conversion rate of a website plays a crucial role in indicating the effectiveness of your digital marketing campaign. It is calculated in the percentage of users who completed the desired action on your website. If you are unhappy with your website’s conversion rate, you need to use conversion rate marketing.
5 Tips to Improve Your Conversion Rates
Check out the tips to help you optimize your site leads and sales.
1. Create information-rich landing pages

The best conversion marketing strategy is creating landing pages for paid ad campaigns. An ad should have a landing page focusing on the service or product advertised. If the audience clicks on the ad for any service or product, they want some information about it on the landing page. This helps them stay focused on the product or service they had searched for in the first place.
Let’s take an example for a better understanding. Suppose you have a business selling bicycle helmets. You need to run a pay-per-click (PPC) ad and leads searching for bicycle helmets. Your audience will click on this ad and get redirected to a landing page that will contain all the information on the product.
This will improve their user experience and yield better results for your business.
Avoid using your landing page as your home page. It degrades the user experience as any visitor who has clicked on your ad wants to see details of the product or service rather than the details of your business.
Furthermore, you can take the help of your audience to make a landing page that is the best suited for your audience. You can conduct A/B testing and inspect the various elements of your landing page. In this way, you can change one thing at a time and finally make a landing page that suits your use case the best.
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Remember, the landing page is the first thing your audience will see when they click on the advertisement. Thus, you can say that creating an information-rich landing page is a very important tip for conversion rate marketing.
When you try to implement such changes on your website, things can get a little tricky. Thus, it is best if you take the help of an SEO copywriting agency.
2. Use CTAs

After creating information-rich landing pages, the next thing you should focus on is using proper Call-to-Actions (CTAs).
When your audience gets redirected to your landing page and decides to opt for your service or product, you need to show them how to proceed to the next step. You can use CTAs for that purpose and give them the directions they need.
On a landing page, CTA buttons stand out and catch you’re the eye of your audience. You can use a combination of buttons, colors, and phrases on your CTA button for this purpose.
Unlike the general norm of CTAs that says “Click here”, you can add detailed requests like “Call us for a free consultation” or “Download our free guide here”.
Moreover, when you conduct A/B testing for your landing page, you can experiment with the CTA’s and find the perfect one that connects with your audience the best.
A proper CTA will ensure the smooth transition of your audience from a lead to a customer.
Additionally, there is another thing that you have to keep in mind. Placing your CTA in a proper location on your landing page is a must.
The general practice, in this case, is to place the primary CTA in the center of your landing page. However, you should decide the proper placement of your CTA based on the elements present on your landing page.
Make sure to place it in a position where your audience has the highest chance of noticing it. Try and minimize distractions around the CTA area and keep it in the effective folds of your webpage.
Furthermore, you can also take the help of a scroll heat map to find your landing page’s effective fold and check whether your CTA is below the cut-off.
3. Add engaging videos

The best thing that you can use to engage your audience is by using videos. If your landing page has engaging videos, it will immediately catch the attention of your audience. Moreover, it takes much less time for members of your audience to understand the product or service that you are offering.
If it’s a service that you are offering, they can understand the contents and nature of that process. The same theory applies if you are selling a product. Your audience will be able to view the product, its features, and its utility in a very comprehensive manner through a video.
Experts say that by adding a 30-second video on your landing page, you can boost your website’s conversion rate by 80%.
You can position the video on your landing page in such a way that it is the first thing that your audience sees when they visit that page. It is a very effective tool to immediately pique their interest in your product or services.
4. Keep your contact forms short and user friendly

Contact forms are a great way to know about your audience and plan your digital marketing strategy. However, most website owners make the mistake of making the contact form way too long.
People don’t like wasting too much time filling out such forms, and thus most of the time, they abandon them. You may feel that you will receive less information about your audience by making contact forms short; however, it has a benefit. More users will fill out your forms, thereby giving you a more detailed idea of your website’s audience.
Also, you should aim to include the bare minimum number of fields in the form to make it easier for your audience to fill it out.
Furthermore, you can compel your audience to fill out contact forms by mentioning the benefits they will get.
Using different color schemes and an attractive visual design will influence users to fill out your contact forms.
There is another thing you can do if you just cannot do without taking more information from your audience. You can break up the form into smaller sections. Also, you can add a progress tracker to encourage users to complete the form.
These conversion rate marketing tips were related to improving your website’s landing pages. Now, let’s take a look at one that is directly related to your website.
3. Create a compelling authoritative content
Your website should have compelling authoritative content. This type of content will help your website increase its trust, relevance, and authority. This will instill confidence in the hearts of your audience and build a community of loyal visitors.
Let’s take an example for better reference. Suppose you are a school student who wants to learn about mutual funds. You come across Groww and learn in-depth from that website. In the future, when you want to invest in mutual funds, Groww is the first place you will go to wet your feet.
Thus, via posting authoritative content on your website, you are creating a base of users who trust your potential to provide services or products of value.
However, posting authoritative content will not directly improve conversions on your website. Instead, it will ensure that your website has an increased dwell time, boost its search rankings, reduce the bounce rate and drive user engagement.
This will increase the ranking of your website on Google’s SERP. As a result, more people will visit your website and increase your website traffic. This will eventually boost conversions and make your digital marketing strategy successful.
Importance of improving your conversion rate constantly

The market is a variable factor that keeps on changing. You may hold your current conversion rate and be happy with it. However, with time, you may see your competitors rising above you by dint of an improving conversion rate.
Hence, to keep yourself afloat amidst rising competition, you need to persistently improve and optimise your website in order to improve its conversion rate.
Now that you know how to implement the tips of conversion rate marketing on your website, you may wonder how to calculate its impact on your digital marketing campaign.
You can do this by calculating the conversion rate of your website.
How to calculate the conversion rate of your website?

To find out the conversion rate of your website, you can use the formula below:
(Number of visitors converted/number of people visiting the page) x100
Let us take an example for a better understanding. Suppose you have 500 conversions out of 1000 visitors. If you divide the 500 conversions by the 1000 visitors and multiply it by 100, you will get the conversion rate for your website.
Hence, applying the formula, 500/1000*100 = 50%
So, your website conversion rate is 50%.
A high conversion rate will indicate that your conversion rate marketing strategy is successful and your audience values the services or products you provide.
Conversion rates are important metrics that allow an SEO copywriting agency or any other business to measure the effectiveness of their landing pages. It helps them get a scalable number in order to create a baseline for success.