It isn’t easy to gauge whether or not your Instagram marketing efforts are paying off or whether types of posts resonate with your audience. Keep track of what’s working and what isn’t, and don’t just keep churning out content hoping for the best. To get a clearer picture of how your marketing and content initiatives are working, you need to use Instagram analytics.

In the dark about Instagram analytics? We’ve got you covered. Learn how to access your Instagram stats and use them to grow your Instagram account in the following sections.

What is Instagram analytics in brief?

Instagram analytics

Instagram analytics give you insight into the success of your posts and the overall health of your account.

On the other hand, Instagram metrics are a collection of individual stats that may be interpreted and analyzed. The number of followers you have is a metric, whereas the rate at which that number grows over time is analytical.

If you’re looking for strategies to improve your Instagram account, you should look at your stats. It’s possible to gain valuable insight into your social media strategy by carefully analyzing the data you collect.

Analytical information about your account can be accessed via a built-in feature of the app called Instagram Insights.

What is the use of Instagram analytics?

You may use Instagram Insights to learn about your account, posts, and followers in a simple way. The number of people who have viewed your profile in the last week to the time of day your followers are most active provides a wealth of information.

While it’s only available to highly engaged company profiles and accounts, setting up an Instagram business profile is a breeze.

However, this native analytics tool has a significant drawback in limited date ranges. Only a few metrics allow you to see how your performance has evolved over the course of a week. There are many reasons to switch to an Instagram analytics app or platform, but we’ll discuss the advantages and cons later in the post.

Instagram Insights can be viewed on your company profile by following these steps.

Getting to your account insights is simple if you already have set up a business profile. You must have Instagram installed on your smartphone or other mobile devices to see Insights, which are not yet available for desktop users.

  • Open the app and follow these instructions:
  • Using the bottom-right corner, tap your profile image.
  • In the upper-right corner, select the menu option by tapping the menu icon.
  • Right next to the graph icon, tap Insights at the top of the menu.

It’s now easier than ever to better understand your Instagram account. Tap on Accounts reached, Accounts engaged, or Total followers to access more specific details.

 Why Is Instagram Analytics essential?

Instagram Analytics essential

“Why do I need Instagram analytics?” you may be asking yourself now. What’s the point of keeping track of Instagram’s performance metrics? There are numerous reasons to use Instagram analytics.

  • Helps in Focusing on Streamlining Your Content

Instagram analytics is an excellent tool for figuring out what types of posts resonate with your followers. As a result, you’ll be able to fine-tune your content marketing plan. For example, more Reels and Stories can be created. Alternatively, it could be a matter of creating additional material that is similar to the ones that have had the most success.

  • Helps in understanding your audience

It is possible to get a breakdown of the demographics of your Instagram followers using the native analytics tool included in Instagram itself. This includes information on things like geographic location, demographics, and the distribution of the two sexes. Using this information, you may create content and campaigns that will resonate with your audience.

  • Helps in optimizing the performance

You may use Instagram statistics to learn more about your most popular posts and the times when your followers are most engaged. Your performance will benefit if you look into this. Posting at times when your followers are more likely to interact, for example, is a good idea.

Instagram Insights: What You Need to Know

Instagram Insights is the platform’s built-in analytics tool. If you want to use this feature, you must have either a Business or a Creator profile, so make sure you select the appropriate one. Go to your profile page and tap on the “Insights” button to open the analytics tool once you have your business or creator profile set up. By hitting the menu button at the upper right corner of your profile page and selecting “Insights,” you can also view this dashboard. With this, you may get a list of your current performance metrics in the Insights Overview.

What Can You Track Using Instagram Insights?

Instagram Insights may provide you with a wealth of information about a variety of topics.

It is possible to track the performance of your Instagram account and content using the Instagram Insights dashboard. It is possible to adjust the default time frame to display metrics for the last four days, the last 30 days, the preceding month, and even the last 90 days. The following is a list of the various performance indicators that Instagram Insights allows you to monitor:

  1. Engaged Accounts

You can see how many accounts you were able to engage during the given time period in the accounts engaged area. There is a breakdown of how many people engaged with your content, both followers and non-followers.

You can also see the total number of interactions with each piece of material and a breakdown. Included in this are all of the post-specific actions such as “Liking,” “Commenting,” “Saving,” “Sharing,” and “Replying.” Each type of material shows you the most popular content based on interaction data like Likes or responses.

A breakdown of your follower growth, including the number of new people who have followed you and the number of people who have unfollowed you, is shown in this area. There’s a lot of useful data here, including the most popular areas of your followers and the ages of those that follow you.

  1. Measuring the impact of stories

Next, you may examine the performance stats for your Instagram Stories. This gives you a highly detailed look at how people engage with your Stories. After seeing your Story, you can see how many people went back to view the previous Story, called or emailed, or quit the Stories window, as well as how many people followed you after each Story was viewed.

You may also check how many people tapped to see the next Story, tapped on your company address, clicked on your link, visited your profile, or reacted to each Story. In addition, you can see how many views and impressions each Story received. There are a number of ways to see which Story types are most popular with your audience and which ones yield the best results.

  1.  Video Metrics

A breakdown of how well the videos you’ve shared have performed is provided in the next section. Here, you can see the average percentage of each video that people viewed, which is a terrific way to determine how engaged people are with each video. Which videos do you think they’ll finish viewing or at least get through?

Reach, impressions, and profile visits can all be seen in the stats section of your account as an added bonus. Follows, website taps, comments, likes, phone button taps, email button taps, business address taps, and saves are all engagement indicators that can provide you with extra information about which videos were the most impactful for your audience members.

  1. Boosted Post Metrics

Boosted posts are one of the most crucial metrics to keep an eye on. If you’re spending money to have people read your post, you’ll want to be sure it’s worth it. The overall number of promotion clicks, as well as the percentage of profile visits and website visits, are all displayed in your Insights tab.

  1. It also gives you the total number of individuals you’ve reached, as well as the proportion of people you’ve reached who weren’t already following you and the percentage of people you’ve reached that were a result of your marketing. Boosted Instagram posts allow you to see information like profile visits, spending, and the demographics of your target market.
  1. Live Metrics

If you’re planning to use Instagram Live, you’ll want to pay attention to the unique stats for this type of video. In your Insights page, you can see how many people saw your Live video and how many people commented and shared it.

The most significant parameter to keep an eye on is the maximum number of concurrent viewers, which is measured using the peak concurrent viewers metric. It helps you get an estimate of how many people you might be able to reach in a certain time period. Improve your timing, content, and distribution to retain this level of viewership for the longest period of time possible.

  1. Accounts Reached

The accounts reached option will show you the total number of users you were able to reach within the given timeframe. It also gives you a breakdown of how many followers and non-followers you were able to reach. If you managed to reach more than 100 accounts, this section would also display the demographic breakdown of the users you reached.

Additionally, it shows you a breakdown of how many people you reached using each type of content and displays your top posts, Stories, Reels, IGTV videos, and live videos based on reach. Finally, you can get a summary of the total impressions, profile visits, and button taps during the given timeframe.

  1. Post Metrics

Your Insights dashboard, which follows the Overview section, provides you with additional performance numbers for each sort of content you’ve posted. In the first set of stats, you’ll see information on how your Instagram posts are performing. Selecting a post type from the drop-down menu will allow you to refine your insights (photos, videos, or carousel posts).

As a result, you’ll be able to see everything from the number of times a user taps on a company address to the number of times a user taps on an email button to the number of people who follow you on social media. The measurements can be viewed over a longer period of time, including the past six months, the past year, and even the past two years.

  1. Metrics for Shopping

Instagram’s Insights section includes metrics for your Instagram Shopping content if you’ve made it shoppable in the first place. If you want to know exactly how many people have seen your product page and clicked on your product button, in addition to the normal metrics of audience reach and interaction, you may do so.

Check if your Instagram Shopping product pages are compelling enough to generate clicks and transactions using this tool. Increasing the impact of your images and descriptions may be the answer if you have a large number of page visits but few button hits.

  1. Reel Metrics

If you’ve set up Instagram Reels, you’ll be able to see analytics related to Reels in your Insights page. As a result, you’ll get access to information about how many people have interacted with Reels, as well as their geographic distribution and other types of participation analytics. In order to better understand your audience, this is a great approach to determine which of your Reels received the most views and interactions.

Also Read: How to Download Instagram Video?

Ways to Use Instagram Analytics in the Real World

It’s time to make use of your Instagram analytics insights now that you know how to get them. You can use your Instagram insights to improve your business.

Finding out when your followers are the most active will help you determine the best times to post. When scheduling your pieces for publication, try to plan them so that they get out at the greatest possible moment for visibility and engagement.

Use Instagram Analytics
  • Create content that resonates with Your Audience

You can tell a lot about your audience’s reaction to a post by an Instagram influencer by looking at the number of people who interacted with it. An increase in the number of shares of your how-to tutorials could indicate that individuals found them helpful. As a result, if you want to increase the number of shares your guidelines receive, you should publish them more frequently.

  • Make More Engaging Video Content

The average percentage seen is an important measure to consider when using Instagram video marketing. Compare the percentage for each video to find which ones had viewers most hooked. Then try to figure out what is it about such videos that viewers could have found intriguing.

The average number of people that watch a video may be higher when it has an uplifting soundtrack. This could mean that using music like this as a background track is an efficient way to keep viewers interested in your video content.

  • Experiment with different content types

The best way to figure out which content types and formats are most effective is to look at how far they go and how many people interact with them. Carousels, images, and videos can all be tested to discover which formats get the most views and engagements. If you want to evaluate which content kinds work best for attracting new followers, you may also experiment with Reel posts, feed posts, and Stories.

  • Improve Your Instagram Live Session Skills

Lastly, you may use your Instagram Live video’s performance stats to improve your sessions and get greater results. Find out what made your most popular Live videos so popular with your audience. Then use these techniques in future Live sessions and see whether they help.

As an example, you may have noticed that going Live at a given time of day helped you get the most views. There is a good chance this indicates that the time slot is suitable for your intended audience, and you should plan your Live sessions around it. Perhaps the most popular timing for you is 30-minute Live sessions, which may indicate that this is the most effective time for you.

  • Increase The Relevance Of Your Product Information Listings

Instagram Shopping’s performance analytics for each product tag is critical for brands looking to increase conversions. Track the number of page views versus the number of product button clicks generated for each post.

In order to see how popular shoppable posts are, look at the number of page visits and the number of button hits they have had. To improve your product listing’s overall conversion rate, you need first to determine the significant distinctions between your competitor’s listings and your own.

  • Tracking

As you can see, Instagram’s Insights tab gives you a wealth of information on your account’s performance, both in terms of content and followers. Instagram analytics can help you take action in a variety of ways. Track your Instagram performance and build your account by using the strategies and ideas above.


Instagram analytics may help you measure your progress, spot patterns, and better understand your target audience. You can also get useful information from Instagram analytics, such as which hashtags are most popular, which photographs generate the most engagement, and when the best times are to post.

All of these measures are useful since they reveal what you’re doing well and what you need to adjust or improve.

You can also utilize the information to compare your results to those of your competitors. In this post, we’ll go over the advantages of using both free and premium Instagram analytics solutions, as well as the data you should be watching and why you should use Instagram analytics in your marketing strategy.

Shilpa Shah

Author Bio

Shilpa Shah is working as an associate in the marketing team of kalakar house and she likes to write on all topics related to influencer marketing.

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