The importance of having your router has only increased in recent years. The service provider gives rentals, and the baseline routers are standard and deliver much less than the projected speed. This problem escalates when the Ethernet is accessed by multiple users or in a corporate setting. Every new router has its pros and cons, so therefore, choosing a new router can be a daunting task. Moreover, setting up the new router will be difficult if you do not know how to properly go about it.

Follow this link and get help with setting up your new Wi-Fi router from the default IP Address. When you wish to buy a new router, you need to know the perks of a good one. Here are six tips to help you choose a new router in 2022.

1. Product Model

 It is more important than one thinks yet much less known than it should be, as networking hardware is improving much faster than internet speeds, and old models are highly susceptible to obsolescence.

The latest standard of routers is 802.11ac, to which all manufacturers swear that it provides the highest speeds. But we’ll get to the actual specifications soon.

One thing to know is that even if one buys the latest model and is future-proof for the next few years, the same logic applies to mid-tier routers, which are significantly older. This is due to what network speeds one expects or needs from the product in question.

Modern router: Netgear R8000

2. Broadband Service Provider

The speed your router provides is naturally dependent on what your service provider has promised. The issue here is that the rates projected are usually possible only under laboratory conditions. Ranging from signal attenuation to geographic location, the Wi-Fi speed will decrease. Nowadays, people have begun to rely on fiber connections to ensure a fast network. A modem may be required to connect with it. When buying a new router, we must always keep a lot of our requirements in mind, and choose accordingly. If you’re unsure about what to look for in your perfect router, you can have a look at this article and get a brief idea about the process of buying a new router for your home.

But, the speeds quoted by the service provider are always well above what is essential for the average user. Thus, there’s nothing to worry about.


3. Security

Cybersecurity is a growing concern which only serves to increase over time. Older wireless networks are known to be insecure.

When buying a new router, one must make sure that it has WPA2/WPA3 security along with extra encryption, monitors devices, and blocks unwanted users from the network. 

4. Wi-Fi Bands


Presently, only two Wi-Fi frequency bands exist, 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz.

Users who require more range can choose 2.4Ghz in exchange for less speed, while others who need more speed by forsaking range must take 5Ghz.

5Ghz, the newer of the two, can minimize network interference and disturbance to maximize efficiency and speed.

A dual-band Wi-Fi is always recommended as it helps deal with all situations. The older band also provides universal compatibility, which means it can link with most, if not all, devices. The newer band works on high-end devices.

5. Price

While one can recommend the newest router with cutting-edge technology and countless features to improve user experience, the requirements per user are subjective. 

When used in an office building, one might need a router upwards of Rs.5000~ when considering that more users and a range covering an entire floor are the bare requirements. A router costing less than Rs.2000~ might fulfill all their needs while being future-proof for personal users or families.


6. Speed, Range, and Other Specifications

The router’s speed is dependent on both location and broadband connection. While range can be affected by walls, objects, and network disturbance, these issues have become minor with newer models that circumvent them. The most visible change in the more recent models is the addition of antennae. More antennae mean an increase in speed and network efficiency. But one might argue that the router doesn’t look appealing. It boils down to personal preference. While routers still come with no antennae attached to them, their speed and range sometimes suffer. There is also a new facility called MU-MIMO, which allows for multipath wireless communication, increasing network speeds. Router beam-forming also allows improving signal strength, a feature only available in more recent models.

These are some of the most important tips one must infer before buying a new router. Happy shopping!

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Ranjeet Chandravanshi

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Over the last 5+ years of my journey of SEO, SEM, SMM, and Google Adwords. I have got great knowledge and experience in Digital marketing. My experience is amazing and I can help you to get great benefits from your business with my Digital Marketing Skills.

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