When you want to buy something, what first comes to mind as a customer? 

Any customer, before investing in a product, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem, will first check with someone or on the internet about the product, the brand, and how well it performs. They want to see videos and reviews and understand what’s best and what is not about a product.

In marketing, one mantra is to put yourself in your customers’ shoes. You can spend so much on product photoshoots and getting the best copies written for sales or even some paid reviews. But nothing beats showing people how the product works. It is the most engaging way to let your customers know the worth of your product. 

Video content creation is fast-growing, and almost all brands, irrespective of the nature of their product or services, are now using the power of video marketing to harness the trust and loyalty of their customers. 

So, what is all this fuss about eCommerce video marketing? 

Why should brands incorporate e-commerce marketing, and what benefits will they get from it?

What is Video Marketing?

Video marketing or eCommerce video marketing is where a brand brings the best features of its products and services to its customers through videos. 

Gone are the days when people prefer reading product instructions and user manuals. In this new era of zero or no time, everyone wants to grasp as much information as possible in the least amount of time.

Videos are great to demonstrate the very same thing to your customers. The value for your brand is naturally high when you engage your customers with interesting and informative videos rather than showing them long scripts and how-to instruction manuals.

For example, a person buying a vacuum cleaner will want to see and learn how to operate the machine rather than sit and read about it. That’s why, at the beginning of the 2000s, we had salesmen walking to demonstrate how a product works. 

While salesmen are indeed gone, the value of a demonstration hasn’t died yet, and yes, people do want to know what or how to put a product to the best of its use to make them feel it’s worth the money invested in it.

Another reason why brands should incorporate video marketing is that it helps them tell their brand story. Getting personal from a brand’s point of view and touching customers’ lives is the best part of video marketing. It helps keep the emotional quotient alive.

Read: B2B Marketing: The Power Of Video Storytelling

How to Promote Your E-commerce Store Through Video Marketing?

As mentioned before, videos have the best pitch and the power to impact people’s minds positively. If you are a brand looking to increase your customer base, one primary thing to do is invest in high-quality video making. 

Here are some effective ways to use videos to create an impactful and meaningful information bank for your customers to get inspired to trust and buy from your brand.

1. Crisp Marketing Videos

Video making can be costly compared to ecommerce website design if you want to use super high-end technology and equipment. But making studio-type videos using apps that cost you way less than a camera and other equipment is very simple these days. 

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You can tell your customers what is best about your brand in a short marketing video. 

Talk about the pain points and relate how you can solve them for your customers. You can also tell them your unique selling point with examples and demonstrations.

2. How-to or Tutorial Videos

These are very important, especially if you are a product-based company. 

A product need not just be a physical product or object. Many SaaS companies these days create great videos using animation to teach their potential and existing clients how to use their products and how to resolve any glitches or problems. 

Tutorial videos are great because they help customers believe in the products and let them know how to use them. This instills curiosity and can even impact their purchasing decision positively.

3. Installation Videos and Product Manuals

People have very little time on their hands. And they want to use it in the most productive way possible. Installation videos and product manuals are great for helping your new customers get a seamless and rich product experience. 

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You can also use these videos as product demos to interest new and potential customers. They teach customers exactly how to use your product. Customers love it when they are hand-held and taught step-by-step how to purchase the best product.

4. Tell Your Brand Story

People love it when they feel the connection on a personal level. The best way to do this with your customers is by telling them your brand story. 

Yes, telling people how the company was where it is now and how it helped your business grow is a great way to earn their interest and trust. 

“Introducing your team is also a good idea to tell them who makes their products and why they should buy from them. This could be talking about your ethical standards, your employee-work environment, or even your motto when it comes to customer relations”, says Mark from Red Houston SEO.

5. Behind the Scenes Videos

What has trended in recent days is the behind-the-scenes videos. 

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People want to know where their products are made, how they are made, and who makes them. They want to know where their product’s raw material comes from and if it is pure and authentic. 

This is a major catch in the beauty and fashion industry now that there is more demand for natural beauty products and ethical and sustainable fashion. However, one surprising example is Coca-Cola. 

When the brand faced criticism a few years back, the company did a few testimonial videos by celebrities where they showcased the entire working plant of Coca-Cola. This did turn around the brand reputation, which is why we still have Coca-Cola in the market today. Millennials prefer transparency; you should ensure you are one as a brand.

6. Influencer Marketing

If you are looking for a very budget-friendly video marketing tactic for your products, the best way is to reach out to influencers. Influencers have a genuine following. 

Read: How Influencer Marketing Can Boost Your ROI

Their followers trust and believe the products they endorse. Influencers also create engaging content for their reputation, so sending them across your products for trial and review is a great way to sit back and watch a good-quality video uploaded to your brand.

7. Customer Reviews and Experiences

What better than telling your new customers reviews from your existing customers? 

Ask your existing customers to send reviews and feedback about the products. You can make a video out of this, which will interest other potential customers. This way of promoting review videos is great and adds value to your brand’s trust and identity.

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These are some of the best video tactics to consider for e-commerce video marketing. Taking these videos across social media and other commercial platforms is a great way to keep your customers close and build your brand image.

Video Marketing & Ecommerce FAQs

Where Can I Promote the Videos I Take for My Brand?

One of the best platforms to promote your videos is social media. Instagram has a vast user base, and it is often quick to make the message reach out to your customers. Influencers’ video marketing, for example, can be done extensively on Instagram. You can also run ads on YouTube. Tweeting about new products and posting a demo video is also a great choice.

Why Is Video Marketing A Good Choice?

Studies state that product videos impact 84% of customers’ purchasing decisions. Video marketing is an amazing tool for brands, especially small and medium businesses, who cannot invest much in TV commercials. Some major reasons are that it builds trust between your brand and your audience, it brings you closer to a given seamless customer experience, and it improves your brand image.

What Are Product Videos?

Product videos can help you find a better audience if you are a product-based company. Rather than reading what a product can do, customers would like to see what it does, so in your product video, you can show your product features, benefits, and what makes it unique. Product videos give customers a 360-degree view and perspective that helps them in better decision-making.

What Are the Benefits of Video Marketing?

Customers want to know what others feel about a product and so often search for products and their reviews and testimonials on the internet. As a brand, promoting more testimonial videos and product feedback helps existing and potential customers better understand the products and the brand. 

Around 87% of marketers say video marketing has helped them have a better position in SERPs. Around 84% agree that it has helped them gain potential leads. Video marketing’s ultimate goal is to attract more customers, and it never fails to do so, provided the videos are convincing and professional.

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Ranjeet Chandravanshi
Author Bio

Over the last 5 years+ of my journey in SEO, SEM, SMM, and Google Adwords. I have got great knowledge and experience in Digital marketing. My experience is amazing and I can help you to get great benefits from your business with my Digital Marketing Skills.

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